About Thematic Networks in Programme Adult

The purpose of thematic networks is to provide organisations, institutions, associations, etc., with an opportunity to form networks across the Nordic and/or Baltic countries. The idea of thematic networks is to form new, permanent relations and partnerships.

In thematic networks, the participating organisations work with a shared theme in the form of an issue, a topic or a challenge. The process is based on the exchange of knowledge and experience on the selected theme, which subsequently forms the basis of new knowledge and proposals for new initiatives.

The following criteria must be met in order to be eligible for a grant:

  • The network must exchange knowledge and experience in relation to a specific topic, issue or challenge shared by all the involved organisations.
  • A detailed work schedule with clear aims and expected outcomes must be presented in the application.
  • The network activity must lead to new knowledge and ideas on the chosen theme or challenge.
  • Priority is given to applications based on new constellations and partnerships, in which different types of organisations and institutions in adult learning and education are represented.

The network activity may also lead to new proposals within other parts of the Nordplus Adult programme.

More information: Nordplus Handbook