Nordplus Adult addresses the field of adult learning with financial support to transnational mobility and project collaboration.

About the programme
The projects supported by the Nordplus Adult programme contribute to development and innovation within the Nordic and Baltic adult learning sector. All fields of adult education and learning are encompassed; general and vocational adult learning, formal, non-formal and informal adult education and learning.
Who can apply?
All types of institutions and organisations working with adult education and learning can participate in Nordplus Adult. The participating organisations and institutions should be able to contribute with experience and knowledge from adult learning and be interested in learning from other organisations and institutions in the field – to the benefit of adult learning and adult learners.
The target group of the programme is institutions and organisations offering learning to adults and institutions involved in adult teacher education, guidance counsellor education, education for adults with special needs and institutions working with research, studies and analyses in adult learning.
What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers.
Martina Horner
What can you apply for?
Nordplus Adult supports both mobility and collaboration projects of various types.
Mobility grants are aimed at the exchange of adult learners, teachers, managers and others with responsibility for adult learning. Nordplus Adult also offers grants for preparatory visits aiming at the preparation of applications for future deadlines of the programme.
Grants for collaboration projects are aimed at e.g. establishing transnational networks of adult learning organisations exchanging knowledge and experience within a joint theme. Furthermore, Nordplus Adult offers grants for development projects aiming at joint courses, teaching materials, concepts and methods as well as grants for mapping projects aimed at studies, analyses and collection of data within adult learning across the Nordic/Baltic countries.
Nordic Network for Adult Learning – is a programme under the Nordic Council of Ministers. The network is a forum for Nordic adult learning organisations and disseminates information about projects within adult education and learning, including Nordplus Adult initiatives.
Nordplus Adult 2023 final account of realised activities and costs