The Application
In this chapter, you will find information on the formal eligibility criteria that each application must meet in order to be considered for funding. Subsequently, you will find information on the qualitative criteria by which applications are assessed, as well as information on the most important things to remember before submitting an application.
Assessment of eligibility
The following criteria must be met in order for the application to be considered for funding in Nordplus. Please note that special conditions may be in the individual sub-programmes.
The application must be submitted electronically using the Espresso application system within the application deadline.
The application must be written in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or English.
All the necessary appendices must be included - Letter of Intent (LOI) and, if relevant, budget.
All organisations participating in an application, including the coordinator, must submit a duly completed and signed LOI. The LOI is proof of the agreement between the partners involved in the project, and failure to include the LOI will result in a rejection of the application.
The applicant institution must have fulfilled any previous obligations to Nordplus, e.g. reporting or repayment of unused funds.
Applications for mobility must include at least two participants from two different Nordplus countries.
Applications for project or network activities must include at least three organisations from three different Nordplus countries.
Applications for projects or network activities for Nordplus Nordic Languages must include at least two organisations from two different countries.
Applications to Nordplus Horizontal must include participants from at least two different sectors.
Applications must include funding for future activities only. Ongoing or completed activities cannot be funded.
Assessment criteria
Nordplus applications are assessed according to four general aspects: project relevance, objectives and content, organisation and implementation, and dissemination of results. You can read more about what is entailed by each criterion below.
Visit to access a guide to writing a successful application.
- Does the application follow the overall objectives of Nordplus? A description of these can be found in the introduction to this handbook.
- Does the application fall within the sub-programme's framework in terms of target group and activity?
- Does the application involve a true transnational cooperation, where all partners contribute actively to the implementation of the project and benefit from the outcome?
- What is the added international value of this collaboration?
Project objectives and content
- Does the application describe clear, realistic objectives and outcomes?
- Does the application describe specific, relevant activities spanning the entire project period?
- Is there a clear connection between objectives and planned activities?
- Does the application have a realistic budget in relation to the activities planned and the funding available in the programme?
- Does the application describe how the objectives will be evaluated, and how the outcome will be achieved?
Organisation and implementation
- Does the application have a clear, realistic project implementation plan with balanced distribution of tasks and responsibilities between the partners?
- Are the organisations involved relevant to the implementation of the planned activities and to the utilisation of the expected results?
- Does the application show how activities are anchored within the participating organisations?
- Does the application describe how the project will secure efficient communication and good cooperation between the participants?
- Does the application clearly define the expected effects and benefits for the participants?
Dissemination of results
- Does the application have a clear, realistic plan for dissemination of results, including a description of the intended method of communicating with relevant target groups during the project period?
- Will results and products be made available to the public so that others can benefit?
- Does the application include ideas and plans for longer-term outcomes?
Preparatory visits
A successful application for preparatory visits should describe:
- Project background and motivation
- The subject and target group(s) of the future project and which type of project activity is planned for
- Each organisation and its capacity within the project - e.g. the organisation's particular expertise and competencies as well as its role and contribution to the project
- The agenda and programme for the visit
- Place and date
Formal checklist when you submit an application
Please make sure to fully answer the questions in the application form in Espresso, and remember to submit your application within the deadline.
Letter of Intent (LOI):
- Have you included an LOI for each organisation? (Please note the special rule for Nordplus Higher Education)
- Has the LOI been signed by the institution's legal representative and the project coordinator?
- Is your institution eligible for support from the sub-programme?
- Project/network applications: Does the application include at least three participating organisations from three different countries? For Nordplus Nordic Languages: Does the application include at least two organisations from two different countries?
- Mobility applications: Does the application include at least two participating organisations from two different countries?
- For Nordplus Horizontal: Does the application include partners from at least two sectors?
Applications for project/network grants within Nordplus Horizontal and Nordic languages must include a budget – you can find a template at The budget is based on unit-costs for travel and subsistence, and project management. The budget for project activities and extraordinary project activities must be clarified and motivated in both the budget and project application.
If you apply for project/network grants under Nordplus Adult, Junior and Higher Education you must submit a budget template based on fixed unit cost categories – you can find these templates at There is no need to include self-financing because these grants are based on unit costs.
Remember that the budget is an important part of the assessment.
If you are only applying for mobility funding, you do NOT need to include a budget.
Access for schools from South Schleswig
As of 2018, schools under Dansk Skoleforening for Sydslesvig (Danish Schools Association of South Schleswig) may participate in Nordplus.
In order to be considered, applications must meet the requirement of representing at least two or three countries. Accordingly, in the case of mobility applications, schools in South Schleswig may participate with educational institutions from at least two countries and in case of project collaboration with at least three participating countries. Schools in South Schleswig, cannot be the coordinator of a project, and must therefore participate as a partner. For participants from South Schleswig the same mobility rates apply as for participants from Denmark.
The expenses associated with the schools' participation are covered by funds specifically earmarked for this purpose by Denmark with a total budget of DKK 200,000 per year.
For further information please contact the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education in Denmark.
EU rules on state aid
Funding from Nordplus falls within the EU “de minimis” regulation. Accordingly, if applicants receive grants for activities that may be described as “economic activity” in accordance with EU rules (1), they will be asked to declare any previously received state aid. This is done to ensure compliance with the established limit of 200,000 euro of funding per organisation over a period of three years.
(1) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid (the general de minimis Regulation). de_minimis_regulation_en.pdf