Target Groups for the Programme
Nordplus Horizontal is aimed at institutions and organisations in the eight participating countries and the three autonomous regions that mainly work in the education and lifelong learning sectors. A Nordplus Horizontal application for project and network activities must involve partners from at least two sectors. They may be sectors within the education system, e.g. partnerships between institutions in higher education and schools (pre-schools and kindergartens as well), or between organisations, institutions and businesses across the public, private and/or voluntary sectors, provided that the project applied for is an education partnership.
The activities should involve a minimum of three partners from three different participating countries. Applications may also include participants from countries outside the Nordic /Baltic countries that are deemed The Nordplus Handbook 2023 - 2027 is relevant by the network or by the project partners. However, expenses for partners from outside the Nordplus countries are not eligible for financial support. A good application is cross-sectoral, both in terms of participating institutions/organisations, and in terms of content and activities.
The programme does not offer support for individual mobility, be it pupils, students, teachers or staff, unless such travel is linked to project and network activities.