Nordplus Green Seminar Programme
Opening by Åsa Karlsson from the Nordplus Programme Committee
Karen Elleman, the director of the Nordic Council of Ministers Secretariat
Keynote speaker:
Mr. Ólafur Páll Jónsson, is a professor of philosophy at the School of Education, University of Iceland He is an expert on sustainability in education and has written a lot about green issues. Ólafur Páll Jónsson is also the leader of the Expert Group of the project Education for Sustainable Development, that is a part of the Sustainable Living Program funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Seminar moderator:
Amela Fific, responsible for region West Sweden within SIDAs(Swedish International Development Agency) educational program The Global School, which provides teachers, school leaders and policy makers with continuing education within the field of Education for sustainable development, the global goals and Agenda 2030, Swedish aid and global developing questions.
Short break 10 minutes
Keynote speaker: 20 minutes