Introduction to Nordplus Horizontal

Nordplus Horizontal awards grants for cross-sectoral projects and network activities in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Any institutions and organisations working with education and lifelong learning may apply, and projects may also involve partners outside the field of education.

A grant application for project and network activities from Nordplus Horizontal must involve participants from at least three Nordic and/or Baltic countries. A further prerequisite is that the application must involve participants from at least two sectors. Accordingly, the programme is open to participation from institutions and organisations such as enterprises, public and private sector organisations, labour market organisations and various administrative entities in addition to institutions and organisations involved in education at any level. Nordplus Horizontal is flexible in the sense that grants are available for a number of educational activities, ranging from conferences to major development projects.

Nordplus Horizontal awards grants for a wide spectrum of themes and areas. Examples of themes eligible for support are activities that link education and work life, activities that concern entrepreneurship, integration, democracy and active citizenship, inclusion of marginalised groups, digitalisation/ICT, in-service training, and further education for teachers at all levels, development of new teaching methods, environment and sustainable development, health, sports, art and culture. The main point is that the activity is cross-sectorial and educational.

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